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Autism FAQs

By Tman Churchill Dec 01, 2024 86


Can children with autism live a normal life? Children with autism communicate, behave, interact, and learn differently from their peers without autism. With appropriate support, children with autism can maximize their strengths and manage challenging symptoms to live a full life.

What is autism level 2? The DSM-5 uses levels 1-3 to describe the varying degrees of support needed by people with autism. Someone with level 2 autism needs substantial, or major, support.

What is an autism test? There is no single test for autism. Instead, a child development specialist diagnoses autism based on an evaluation that examines your child’s development, behavior, learning, and communication. They interview the parent or caregiver, observe your child, and use different testing tools like the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) to diagnose autism.

What is life like for a person with autism? Autism is a condition that affects individuals differently. Each person’s experience with autism is unique. Some may excel at certain aspects of learning but struggle to communicate or interact socially. Others may find it difficult to follow a daily routine because of restrictive or repetitive behaviors.

How can you understand a person with autism? Ask someone with autism or their caregiver about their strengths and needs. Learning about someone’s boundaries, communication preferences, and sensory needs contributes to respectful and meaningful interactions.


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A proud godfather to an autistic child living in Nairobi, Kenya.


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