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Living with autism presents challenges most other families do not face. Our kids may be on special diets like the gluten free casein free diet, or they may be such picky eaters that their "special diet" consists of Goldfish and Kit Kat bars! Many of our kids on the autism spectrum have sleep problems. They may not be potty trained. And safety is often a concern with our little houdinis. Simple products that meet the everyday needs of our kids with autism can be real lifesavers, and might just give parents, caregivers and teachers a few more minutes of peace each day. 

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products

Hand Wash Helper
Collis Curve Toothbrush
Get informed about Autism and the resources available. Get informed about Autism and the resources available. Get informed about Autism and the resources available. Get informed about Autism and the resources available.
Get informed about Autism and the resources available.
📚 awareness tools, 🧸 sensory toys, 📓 teaching aids, 💊 child therapist recommendations, 🎁 everyday gifts, 🎉 special events, and 📝 insightful blogs.

Get informed about Autism and the resources available.