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What are the best autism gifts? For children with autism, we always suggest you look at the kinds of things the child likes to do. Jump and spin? Consider a Rody horse, trampoline or spin disk? Get squished under couch cushions? A weighted blanket or stuffed animal might be just the thing. Puzzles? Think about a puzzle or one of the great games for kids with autism that rewards spatial reasoning skills. Christmas tree lights? A sensory toy would probably be a hit. For the teachers and therapists who work so hard to help our kids, autism awareness gifts are a great way to express your appreciation.

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Sensory Genius - Sensy Band
Get informed about Autism and the resources available. Get informed about Autism and the resources available. Get informed about Autism and the resources available. Get informed about Autism and the resources available.
Get informed about Autism and the resources available.
📚 awareness tools, 🧸 sensory toys, 📓 teaching aids, 💊 child therapist recommendations, 🎁 everyday gifts, 🎉 special events, and 📝 insightful blogs.

Get informed about Autism and the resources available.